Backpacker travel insurance is specifically designed to help you travel light. Our Backpacker policies are available to travellers aged 55 years and below (anyone under the age of 17 must be travelling with someone aged 18 or over) and can provide cover for up to 18 months continuous travel – perfect for those planning a gap year.
What does backpacking travel insurance cover?
The cover levels included on a backpacker longstay travel insurance policy are:
- Cancellation cover is available up to the maximum stated in the policy and is accessible from the day of purchase
- £10,000,000 in the event of medical emergencies
- £1,500 cover for lost, stolen or damaged personal possessions
- £2,000,000 to cover personal liability
- £10,000 to cover personal accident
- £15,000 in the event that you need legal advice
Looking a little light? We stripped out a number of cover levels to ensure you travel smart and not heavy.
Speak to a member of our team.
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Why Choose Get Going?
Over 1000 medical conditions considered
24/7 emergency medical assistance team
Up to £10m cover for emergency medical expenses
93% of customers have rated us 4 or 5 stars*
Backpacking vs Longstay travel insurance
Our backpacker insurance has been specifically designed for the bargain backpacker. If you’re going on a trip under 94 days in duration and want a little more cover in your policy, it’s worth taking a look at our Single Trip policies. Still available at fantastic prices, wholly customisable with the option of multiple extensions, just with a little more cover included.
Backpacking without travel insurance
There are certain places in the world that offer us Brits access to reduced cost health care – Australia for example. When travelling somewhere like this it can be very tempting to not take out backpacking travel insurance.
However, again using Australia as the example, the subsided healthcare service, Medicare, will not provide support for existing conditions or matters that do not require urgent attention. Other exclusions include access to pharmaceuticals when you’re not an in-patient, use of the ambulance service and medical evacuations – all of these services can be very expensive.
Travelling without backpacking insurance not only reduces your access to adequate health care, it also means you are travelling without the benefits listed above (Curtailment, legal advice, cancellation cover, cover for personal possessions and so on).
The moral of the story? Taking out backpacking travel insurance for just a few pounds before you travel, could save you hundreds of pounds in the event of a claim.